Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dinner at the kids

Katherine and I had dinner with Ashleah and Jen at their condo in Vancouver, with Donald Jr. eventually joining us for what was all in all a fun evening with the kids. I must say that I find it strange still to see my kids as grown ups, despite the fact that they have been all grown up for quite a long time.

I can even say that I find it disconcerting from time to time, as I don't feel old enough to have children older than I feel. In my dreams I find myself still a child sometimes, with the wisdom and experience of a child. I see things that I don't understand at all, and mostly, with childlike grace and sagacity, don't care that I don't understand what I'm seeing. It's sort of like losing my critical capacities altogether when I dream, and I drift from one completely idiotic place to another without so much as a by-your-leave.

Back to dinner. It was Academy Awards night so we watched the awards ceremony while we ate and kind of chatted around them. It was too bad that the Canadian teen star didn't win and that her movie didn't either. (On the other hand, I heard from Tina, my assistant, that the movie was actually terrible and didn't deserve to win anyway.) By the time the awards were over it must have been time to leave as I found myself being shushed out the door by my son who wanted to clean up and do something else other than entertain his family. I can't understand it, we were only there for four hours.... what's four hours in the life of your family?

Oh well, I sort of remember feeling the same thing when my parents came over for dinner, and how relieved I was when they finally left after an evening. Still, I hate being put in the position of feeling like I have overstayed my welcome, despite the fact that I was being completely oblivious to more subtle signals given to me by Katherine.

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